Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Lona and Jenny in Taipei

JENNY, 32 thn - Singapore

she is a housewife and a mother to 3 children...always had problem with her weight..she is a pretty now!who lost total 14 kg in 3 months, she won runner up for Mom's beauty contest in Singapore 2008
Amazing and unbelievable!
lingkar perut VS KESEHATAN
Pria : <90>
Wanita : <>
- obesitas ringan : kelebihan berat badan 20-40%
- obesitas sedang : kelebihan berat badan 41-100%
- obesitas berat : kelebihan berat badan lebih dari 100%
- obesitas berat ditemukan sebanyak 5% di antara orang-orang yang gemuk
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Being a part of Herbalife is as much a learning opportunity as it is an earning opportunity. Find out how this company helped these young adults gain skills for life.
With the determination to start something on his own, Chris partnered up his friends to venture into a magazine business, unfortunately just as they got started, the SARS epidemic hit his home town.
At that time he looked into the Herbalife Opportunity which his mother recommended and he thought it was too good of a chance to miss.
"I made the decision to join this growing company and together with their unbelievable support system, business boomed. The company's "mission for nutrition" has become part of my life, don't miss this opportunity!"
“Workplace politics, long hours, deadlines and the late nights spent de-stressing with friends had worn me out. On the products my energy increased overnight. I felt and looked healthier. Best of all, I lost 4 kilos in 1 month! People noticed and before I knew it, I’d made S$800 part time!”
That was 1.5 years ago! Elizabeth has since chosen ‘Changing People’s Lives’ with H&W as her full-time career.
“In no time, I went from shy, struggling artist with no background in business or leadership to training internationally, traveling the world and having a lifestyle that I’d previously thought would take 10 years of hard work to afford! Best of all, I can work WHEN I want, WHERE I want, and with WHOM I want, meaning no more stress or stuffy office politics! There isn’t an opportunity like this anywhere else.”
Looking back, Clint believes that his youth was an asset for his business. On the retail end, there are young men and women looking to lose the “Freshman 15” that many students often gain in college. And, from a business opportunity perspective, the flexibility offered by Herbalife was a key attribute to balancing work and class schedules.
No boss, no shifts, no problem!
“There’s a sense of entrepreneurship without all the headaches of traditional startups.”
Because the H&W opportunity can be taught step by step, it is possible for younger people to become CEOs of their own businesses without having to climb the corporate ladder. Best of all are the priceless life skills that you can’t quite get in school or at a job.
Clint finds that he’s learned more real-world skills in developing a successful business with H&W than he could have found anywhere else. And, the independence he experiences is one of the most enjoyable advantages of all. Not only is he able to travel wherever and whenever he chooses, he also has the ability to make money anywhere he is.
“If you don’t take a chance, you don’t have a chance. You’ve got to give this opportunity a try.”
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Arlene Balangue
Arlene advises others to develop a passion for the products. “Be a 'product of the product,' and this will give you a solid foundation,” she says. “Be consistent, have a good attitude toward fellow Distributors, master the skill of customer follow-up, be honest, and most importantly, never give up."
In the 2003 Industry Awards, Arlene was elevated to the Hall of Fame by the Direct Selling Association of the Philippines (DSAP) for being Number 1 in the Group Sales category for three straight years. She is also featured in the first DSAP book titled S4: Success Secrets of Sales Superstars.
Arlene says with a smile, "Herbalife means everything to me!"*
My sponsor in Hongkong

Queenie Leung
Chairman's Club
Hong Kong

It was so bad that Queenie almost lost her dreams and desire for a better life. But Queenie's Sponsor Craig Jones was not about to let that happen, calling her repeatedly about Herbalife. "After calling me for six months, I gave in and decided to try the products," recalls Queenie. "My health improved after one month and I started part-time, hoping to get some extra cash so that I could attain the financial freedom I had been hoping for."
In 1994, Queenie met Mark Hughes. "Seeing the world come together for one purpose gave me a totally different perspective about Herbalife," she declares. "Mark awakened me with his unbelievable passion, belief and determination. And I decided, as Mark said, 'to go back to my village and be the Mark Hughes of that village.'"
Queenie worked full-force, following all the "simple, fun and magical" steps that Herbalife provides. "I kept learning, growing and working," she exalts. "Now that I have reached Chairman's Club, I am dedicated to spreading the message that Herbalife represents -- possibilities, growth, passion, integrity, friendship and oneness."*
Singapore STS
22nd Aug
at NTUC auditorium
starting at 11.30 registration
let me know if anyone interested to be there to learn about Herbalife BEST opportunity
to earn 500-5000 part time and at the same time taking care of your wellness and health
its really possible!
ticket : $10
reserve your seat as soon as possible
seats are limited :)
Friday, August 14, 2009
for my new DISTRIBUTOR..your first 30 DAYS :) cheers
Your First Thirty Days
Now everyone can work from home with just 1.5hours a Day!"For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward." - JIM ROHN
Day 1 :
- Take before picture and measurements (Book 1)
- BLOCK date of next Quickstart/STS training
- Review 'Recruiting Texts' and start COI SMS system
Day 2 :
- Complete and submit goal setting exercise (NEW) to mentor
- Use your product, starting with a healthy breakfast!
- Review health evaluation audio online or with your mentor
- Review 72 hour challenge Invitation script
- Print/get 15 copies of the health evaluation
- Mentor uses recruiting script to call/book COI SMS leads
Day 3 :
- Day 1 of 72 hour challenge
- Download & print 'Before-After photos' /collect from mentor
Day 4 :
- Day 2 of 72 hour challenge
- Package product story to share @ next HOM!
- Review Marketing Plan Presentation & choose start position
Day 5 :
- Day 3 of 72 hour challenge
Day 6 :
- Review completed health evaluations with mentor
- Make necessary improvements
- Identify the most serious of your 10 practice partners
- Set date for Week 2 Grand Opening/ Shake Party
Day 7 :
- Set date for body scan with practice partners
- Print and review Complete Presentation before set date
** Malaysian version in English and Malay
** Philippine version
Week 2 :
- Get first clients & package income story to share at HOM
- Grand Opening/ Shake Party
- Schedule facial party with practice partners
Week 3 :
- Have Facial Party
- Send Corporate Letter to COI to generate retail activity
- Share your product/income story with the rest of your COI!
Week 4:
- Choose a 90 day Retail Plan (2-3 methods of activity)
- Choose a 90 day Recruiting Plan (2-3 methods of activity)
- First 30 days MALAYSIA VERSION
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Ramadhan Fasting Programme
before sahur take the tablets (celluloss, multivitamin, total control etc)
Sahur: normal meal , rice only 1 fist size and more vegetable and fruits
drink 1 litre of tea and aloe ( 2 tea spoon of herbal concentrate and 10 caps of aloe)
FASTING throughout the day
Break fast:
Shake (300-400ml cold water with 2 to 3 heaps scoops of shake)
you can use fruit juice for the shake(150ml fruit juice and 200ml of water) with 2 to 3 heaps scoops of shake
after taraweh
can drink one more shake before going to bed
must drink 1-1.5 liter from breakfast till going to bed
every 500ml water can add with 1 tea spoon of tea and 5 caps of aloe
if you are sensitive of caffeine (like cannot sleep if drinking 1 cup of coffee few hours before bed time)
you can choose to take rice for breakfast and do the opposite of Sahur :)
may you have any doubt pls contact me at
or my facebook account
Jangan menyerahhh!! Never Give up!!!!
im so inspired by this face my future challenge in personal and professional life....
Love u D'masiv
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
siap2 mau ke jkt
i need to do the following things
-Meet ratih: see how i can support her for WT
-meet Wulan
and after that ill focus on the training and go back padang and awesome..
ill share more after im back
Saturday, June 13, 2009
HSBC and Herbalife
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Your First Thirty Days
"For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward." - JIM ROHN
Day 1 :
- Take before picture and measurements (Book 1)
- BLOCK date of next Quickstart/STS training
- Review 'Recruiting Texts' and start COI SMS system
Day 2 :
- Complete and submit goal setting exercise (NEW) to mentor
- Use your product, starting with a healthy breakfast!
- Review health evaluation audio online or with your mentor
- Review 72 hour challenge Invitation script
- Print/get 15 copies of the health evaluation
- Mentor uses recruiting script to call/book COI SMS leads
Day 3 :
- Day 1 of 72 hour challenge
- Download & print 'Before-After photos' /collect from mentor
Day 4 :
- Day 2 of 72 hour challenge
- Package product story to share @ next HOM!
- Review Marketing Plan Presentation & choose start position
Day 5 :
- Day 3 of 72 hour challenge
Day 6 :
- Review completed health evaluations with mentor
- Make necessary improvements
- Identify the most serious of your 10 practice partners
- Set date for Week 2 Grand Opening/ Shake Party
Day 7 :
- Set date for body scan with practice partners
- Print and review Complete Presentation before set date
** Malaysian version in English and Malay
** Philippine version
Week 2 :
- Get first clients & package income story to share at HOM
- Grand Opening/ Shake Party
- Schedule facial party with practice partners
Week 3 :
- Have Facial Party
- Send Corporate Letter to COI to generate retail activity
- Share your product/income story with the rest of your COI!
Week 4:
- Choose a 90 day Retail Plan (2-3 methods of activity)
- Choose a 90 day Recruiting Plan (2-3 methods of activity)
- First 30 days MALAYSIA VERSION
Monday, June 8, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Love Your Liver :)
don’t sleep well, the toxic in your body will
accumulate, affecting your health and your mood.
The main causes of liver damage are:
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the
main cause.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives,
food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as
possible, reduce cooking oil use, even the best
cooking oil like olive oil when frying.
Do not consume fried foods when you are tired.
8. Consuming overly done
foods also add to
the burden of liver.
Vegetables should be
eaten raw or cooked
3 - 5 parts.
vegetables should be
finished in one sitting, do
not store.
We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating
habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time
condition are very important for our body to absorb
and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to
Evening at 9pm - 11pm:
This is the time for eliminating unnecessary/toxic
chemicals (de-toxification) from the antibody system
(lymph nodes).
This time duration should be spent
by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a
housewife is still in an
unrelaxed state such as
washing the dishes or
monitoring children doing
their homework, this will
have a negative impact on
her health.
Evening at 11pm - 1am:
The de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally
should be done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 1am - 3am:
The de-toxification process in the gall, also ideally
done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 3am - 5am:
The de-toxification in the lungs. Therefore, there will
sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers
during this time. Since the de-toxification process
has reached the respiratory tract, there is no need
to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with
toxin removal process.
Morning 5am - 7am:
The de-toxification in th
your bowel.
Morning 7am - 9am:
The absorption of nutrients in the small intestine,
you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast
should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are
Breakfast before 7:30am
is very beneficial to those
wanting to stay fit. Those
who always skip
breakfast, they should
change their habits, and
it is still better to eat
breakfast late until 9am - 10am rather than no meal
at all. Sleeping so late and waking up too late will
disrupt the process of removing unnecessary
Aside from that, midnight to 4am is the time when
the bone marrow produces blood. Therefore, have
a good sleep and don’t sleep late.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
1st day survey with Shisei
hari ini Lona survey di Bugis junction ama shisei
awalnya hujan
eh makin lama makin reda dan makin seru
total ada 14 orang di survey dan smua orangnya unik2...
ada yang bilang gak pernah sarapan
ada security guard yang minta kenalan habis gw kasi kartu nama
ada yang mau income tambahan
ada yang kasi facebook address mereka
ada juga yg bercadar anak singapur yg kuliah di malaysia dan mau nyambung ke Jordan
di herbalife kita benar2 bekerja sambil belajar
earning as we are learning
mau mau mauu??
Singapore HOM
Malaysia HOM(herbalife opportunity meeting)- Kuala Lumpur
wisma lim foo yong 601A
jalan raja chulan
tuesday and Thursday
12.30 and 7.45pm
sat 2pm
shake party 3pm
Monday, April 6, 2009
coverage on Jakarta Trip 13th March 2009

Kita kumpul adain team grounding di Restorannya Andung- Cakalang Gandaria
dari Kiri: Bams, Divo, Andung (mama nya Nindy penyanyi Cinta Cuma Satu, Lona, kak Dokter Ratih)
Dendeng balado nya wueenakkk
hehe dan perkedel jagungnya jg seruu

kak ratih is a doctor who lost 7kg in just 5 weeks
and improved her stamina tremendously
sekalian attend HOM(herbalife opportunity meeting) by mas Wicaksono
luar biasa seruuu dan Divo saat itu jadi new Senior consultant dengan 500 vp orderan

C for Radiant C-our top range of Outer nutrition..

after Lunch makan nasi Bogana..yummyyy..
Dinny is a doctor, she is Ratih's best friend and she has lost almost 2% of body fat..
below is her recent photo after 3 weeks on shake

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
back in singapore
after staying in indo for a month
i had so much fun travelling to padang, jakarta, palembang,bandung
it was awesome to organise STS for the first time in my hometown
STS is a success training seminar and i was so grateful miss Annie Crown willing to support us in bukittinggi
now have to go to bed
just watched a movie titled
hotel for dogs so touching n hillarious
my favourite hits!!
-semakin engkau jauh smakin terasa dekat-
akan ku kembangkan
kasih yang engkau tanam di dalam hatiku.....
Thursday, March 5, 2009
my inspiration.taken in Macao 2008
My parents in the president suit room of Chairman Club
Me and Queenie Leong(ex teacher and Immigration Officer)