Jim Rohn
"Always do more than what you get paid for. It makes you a valuable person."– Jim Rohn
The words of Jim Rohn can apply to so many different aspects of your business and your life:
Inspire others:
Who do you want to become?
Exercise your willpower to change your direction in life.
Don't settle for less than you can be.
Herbalife is a chance for ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
We're either being pulled forward by our dreams or backward by our pasts.
Maximize your potential:
Here's the question to ask yourself: "What else could I develop of my ability and spirit that would make me more valuable?"
Set some challenges and goals. Don't wish it was easier. Wish you were better. Don't wish for fewer problems. Wish for more skills.
Learning how to set goals is one of the most important things you can learn.
How do you make your dream come true? Work six days and rest for one. It's the six days of work that perform the miracle of making dreams come true.
Grow your business:
The products have no voice. The heart and soul is in the individual, the person.
Be more inviting than insisting.
Be positive, but be cautious. Sometimes you need to use the gas, sometimes you need to use the brake.
There's nothing so powerful like an idea that comes at the right time.
Lead your team:
The best inspiration is your own example.
Set goals for your relationships, your family, your organization and yourself.
The greatest skill we have here now is to learn good communication. Always be prepared to have something good to say.
Be so busy giving recognition to others you don't need it for yourself. Learn more about great leadership through personal development by watching Jim Rohn’s business philosophy training.