Monday, November 24, 2008
meaningful day
i finally managed to visit Firdaus' place at hougang,went there around 7pm with Ayub
its quite far i would say..but he seemed to enjoy every single step he took..i admire Firdaus for his patience..
FYI, firdaus is my great buddy from SP, he has lost 15kg in 5mths just by taking the nutrition on and off as he likes...hehehe...really effortlessly...
anyway..i cant wait for next wednesday,,yayyy it marks my 1st day
to visit the mosque for my doing my best to stick to the schedule..
do or die..
anyway firdaus has such a nice family..i met his sis,parents and also cats..aww the cats are fat and pretty(am i supposed to call the cats pretty?ermm)hehe
after tat..i went straight to Tiong Bahru with Ayub..
we took cab to TB and met his friend frm MDIS sch..
Kastodi..such a nice and friendly bro..Like his sincere smile..such a kind-hearted dude i would say..Ayub is nice too(my cousin yaa...)
he started on 1st month nutrition program immediately..i really pray that he would get great result ASAP...maybe Kas was quite inspired by Ayub's result losing abt 4kg in just 1 month..
anyway..hows yr day peeps?
im quite exhausted..tomorrow will be my test 1st thing in da morning
ughhh..Jiayou!i know i can do it..gogogo
Great news..ill be back hometown perhaps mid of December...
but get to be back again in Sg by 21st Dec...
cant wait to graduate and travel...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Queenie Leong

Ceritanya Queenie Leong....
Selalu menginginkan untuk memiliki hidup yang menyenangkan – untuk menjalani hidup sepenuhnya, tetapi dia mempunyai masalah, dia terjebak dalam karir, mengetahui kalau sangat susah untuk menemukan pekerjaan yang akan memenuhi kebutuhannya. Dia telah mencoba banyak hal – mengajar, jurnalisme, sampai seorang teman mengundangnya untuk menemukan sesuatu yang baru.
“Saya menjadi ragu-ragu mengenai hasil dari gaya hidup yang saya telah dengar di seminar 2 hari yang saya ikuti, tapi saya tidak mau menghindarkan diri saya dari kesempatan untuk kehidupan yang baik. Menggunakan pelatihan dan petunjuk dari orang lain, Queenie, yang tinggal di Hong Kong, membangun bisnis yang produktif (dia menghasilkan US$90,000 per bulan). Sekarang Queenie mempunyai gaya hidup yang melebihi impiannya.
Brigjend Mulio Hadi & Nancy

Alasan kami memulai ini karena kami membutuhkan uang tambahan sekitar Rp. 5 juta/bulan untuk biaya hidup sehari-hari dan biaya kuliah 6 orang anak kami berdua.
Berkat support systemnya, di minggu pertama secara paruh waktu, kami menghasilkan Rp. 3,5 juta! Dibulan itu juga kami menghasilkan Rp.12 juta, dan total selama 2 bulan, kami menghasilkan Rp 25 juta.
Sekarang kami bekerja secara penuh waktu dan dengan demikian kami bisa memiliki waktu lebih banyak untuk membesarkan anak bahkan mulai saya ajari mereka untuk mendapatkan penghasilan sendiri. Dan penghasilan kami saat ini tidak kurang dari Rp. 45 Juta per bulan.
Siapa takut Pensiun??
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Chris & Mom(irena)

He is from Hongkong and came to Sg 4 years ago with his mom
without knowing anyone here..
he was started his working just by showing before after photos with people he met..
it was unbelievable...
he has been on the product for more than 10 years as his mom was the one starting it..
he joined Herbalife right after his graduation in top university in USA doing computer science
he had no basic about nutrition and kept learning the step-by-step system..
now he earned on average not less than S$27K
bought his own condo and new V&W Gold...
and as for his mom
used to be a pharmacist, graduated from england and started
more than 8 children wear counter and shoe shops in hongkong
from a very rich family in Jakarta(Argo Pantes) that owns Textile manufacturing and, she enjoys her life so much in Herbalife as she can help people with
nutrition rather than just by increasing dosage like what she did during her past job as pharmacist...
who is Christopher Lo?
He is my Great mentor who has been giving me advices trhu my ups and downs in herbalife..
Herbalife is a journey...and it is not a race
i realised that it is just like a wave, it is up to you whether you want to ride on it
or just play around the coast and just watch people moving forwards...
Chris and his mom, Irena went to Padang twice to support my team...
He helped me during my 1st shake party in padang(ill share in my next post)
it is so unbelievable..
he is very humble and smart..
Love his attitude and admire his wisdom..
cheersssss for Chris!!
i visited Chris' house..
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Clubmed Bintan Vacation...6-9Nov 08 By Herbalife!!!
The meals are absolutely world class and driving my insane..heiaheaihia
great chat with GET team, Colin :)
yeahh..colin GoGOGO
pres team by 2010 ok?
we qualify together
its my dream..haha
i got 3 distributors todayu
from bday party
so happy
mil for me u r super good...
knew u will be pres team one day...
u have the quality....
the smile, the look!!!
must take a photo with u be4 I have to qualify to do so in the future :D
u still studying???
colin..pls..dont drive me crazy anymore
i just love herbalife,the ppl in it ,the warmth..coz im the only child
hahah....i m telling the truth...
im still in my final year semester..3 more mth to end
goin full time in HBL...
u are so great too..u are very generous n participate actively in events
to tell u the i wish I could adopt the simile u have...
business is out of control
soo many prospects out there
my problem is id un have time
im doing my best to squeeze in btween my time
so really biz from home..only thru call
u r doing great....don' worry...I m very lazy after GET>>.
got 2 customers from friendster
that is great!!!
Why?the income too good rite?
i knw
mavis told me
hahaha....ya lor...getting a bit lazy...
at GET u get very comfortable with income
pls build the momentum
mavis is goin to manila with some of my team frm padang for NC visit
u knw right
ok ok must work hard...not too bad but we need to just the beginning of the road...
nope..I m fr taiwan team,
more towards home training with group...
really home u could share your success story with my team one day..
u will inspire them to do more!!!
u actually inspire me too....
i get inspired by u too and by housewives who do herbalife so well
i feel challenged.if they can do, i can do it too
u have any kids ?
trust me, u have the quality ...
hows yr weekend goin?
2....10 & 12
taking care of kids..haahaha
yes.....sure start working tomo...
cannot be lazy!!!!
colin dun b lazy...must qualify for bahama
yes yes.....must work hard!!!
i dont knw how am goin to qualify but juz do my best
it really not easy but i will give it a shot!!!
achieve top 10 ok?
i will give my very best shot!!!
thank for the encourage....
sure u can
u just must find 3 more team as big as yr existing organisation and yr mill will b there
number game...hihii
u r a number game!!!
in fact, 1 or 2 good one and one can be mil too...
yes keep search....I m looking for my lona :D
yeah..u will...
be simple and happyyyy
wad do u love abt herbalife?
u do it fulltime or parttime?
yes.......oh my story....
knew herbalife 5 years ago....
my wife was very weak and sick back then....try sooo many thing but in vain..
until she met herbalife a the a cup of shakes changes her life...
intro by?
it took me exactly 1 years to took the supple seriously ....lose 7 kg, my blood pressure and cholesterol become normal...
somethin the doc can't do soo...he say I goin to take medication for rest of the life...
take 1 year to learn the background an enginneer in semi conductor...
i have 15 days per month to do these business...
together with my wife....
she start it first!!!
doing pretty well for past 3-4 years...that when we start to get lazy...earning gradually decline...
that is bad....
can't stop til we get to pres team...
that committment we make for ourselves now....
that my story!!!
yeahh....get yr dream comes true!!
thanks for sharing
so averagely how much was yr last income?
i m....make start making bigger dream...
i have the house i dream of...brought another one early this year...
herbalife has been treating me and my family well.....really appreicate...i must do my part, continue sharing and doing the work.... work harder to get to next level....
really envy Chris....he is in nirvana now...
thanks for the tips....i work on it for the 90 days plan....
got to go....take care...besides, let mavis when u r ready for FTT trainers...looking forward to see u on stage as training speakers too....
u will inspire many many...
got to go lona!!!! see u soon!
see u colin..nitezz
thanks alot :) i must be better too :)
U r the best future pres Lona!!!
come on...u are more experienced than me..and u deserve to be a great leader definitely....amazing...keep the momentum up and up!!thx so much for supporting me..ill do my best on stage on saturday
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Testimonial from Irmawati West sumatra
Thanks to Herbalife, she is now getting better and improving her complexion at the same time.
tomorrow is bintan Clubmed Holiday!!

kind of nice but i may want to change the colour....

hi friends...
im glad that i can go for Bintan trip tomorrow
its completely paid for by the company, Herbalife.
Im very grateful for windri for inviting me for my first business meeting with herbalife like
what we are going to have on 22nd on November.
It was about 9 months ago..and i cannot believe for this month session im selected as an MC..
so unbelievable..
I still remember when i was so blur coming to customer party didnt know what was going on..i didnt even know how to use the scare for body analysis...hehehe
hey folks ill share with u my experience at bintan alright
ill be bringing Adams mom with me as a guess..
cannot bring mom and dad as they are non qualified member..heheee
mama dont be sad holiday to Maldives,we will make it together...
im off to tan quee lan to meet customers...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My mummy Mavis' Testimony

Look at her before and after picture..FYI, She is 41 this year but can you believe your eyes that at such age she still looks so hot right?he he
Below is one of the recent pictures that we've taken...