Eat plenty of dark green vegetables and orange vegetables and fruits (papaya, mango) weekly to meet your vitamin A needs and reap beta carotene's potential antioxidant.

Vitamin B12 is used in making DNA, the building block of genes, and in maintaining healthy nerve ad red blood cells. B12 is bound to protein, so food like meat, fish, eggs and dairy products like yogurt and milk are the principal sources.
Chromium is required by the body for the process that turns food into usable energy, helping insulin prime cells to take up glucose.
Best source of chromium are whole-grain bread and cereals, meat, nuts, prunes, raisins, beer and wine.
Early on, most of the concern focused on bones, since Vitamin D, working along with calcium, helps build and maintain them. We rely on fortified milk and breakfast cereals to get most of our dietary vitamin D. Apart from a few kinds of fish, including herring and sardines, there aren't many natural food sources, which leaves supplements and direct sunlight.
Folate is necessary for the production of new cells, including red blood cells. Folate deficiency remains a major cause of spinal-cord defects in newborns.
Rich source of folate include liver, dried beans and peas, spinach and leafy green, asparagus and fortified cereals.
Potassium is involved in almost every vital body process: maintaining blood pressure, heart and kidney function, muscle contraction,even digestion. Food that are closest to their original states are best, so be sure to choose whole, unprocessed foods as often as possible, especially fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, fish and lean meats.
Researchers have long known that vitamin C is an essential building block of collagen, the structural material for bone, skin, blood vessels and other tissue. Virtually everything in the produce section including oranges, green bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli, cantaloupe and tomatoes, turnip greens, sweet potatoes and okra.
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Source: Ryan
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