Saturday, September 20, 2008

STS sep 08

---------------------the lady on the left was my  long lost friend, OLA, she is from my hometown, west sumatra. We havent met for more than 10 years and guess what?we met in
friendster and made it to reunite again today..hehehe
im so happy for her that she has a great family..she came to STS with her great husband and adorable baby girl..

i met fellow indonesian during the so inspired that a domestic helper of my friend is even a ble to do herbalife..she is j the lady in pink..amazing

here is my crazy gank:
from front left: Windri,faisal,lona and malik(the national famous fifa referee)
im so honoured t o know all of them..they are just my brothers and sister in herbalife...


marina arfah and marvin

my training today was soooo exciting and memorable
it blew my mind when i heard how marina was so passionately expressing herself on the stage
i was so impressed....

im just waiting for the right moment to apply the lesson i have learnt ..
of course im applying it to single bit of my journey in herbalife..

marina said:
- Be yourself, dont try to impress others whom actually dont even care about you
- Be happy
-Be permanently positive
-Be simple
-Be Loyal to yr partner, family and herbalife
- Your success is because YOU CHOOSE to be successful
- Learn to forgive and tolerate yr team members
-Mentor yr people's right
-We need a team to MAKE it BIG
Dont hope on others to make you happy
you are responsible for what you are and for what you are NOT

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

my business update

nama company nya herbalife.bagi yang suka ntn bola mgkin pernah lihat di
baju jerseynya David beckham team LA GALAXY..jadi perusahaan ini udah skitar 28 tahun di wellness industry,lebih 50 juta
customer yang sudah puas diseluruh dunia,under CEO michael O johnson(ex CEO of walt disney setelah 17 tahun),
Produknya dasarnya cuma nutrisi sehat..sistim marketting nya similar to MLM beda2 company tentu punya cara yang beda2 kan..but to me..awalnya tidak tau tentang business opportunity karna lona cuma konsen ke pengurusan badan dgn food combining,,,waktu lona baru mengenal business opportunity nya,
saya merasa sistimnya sangat adil dan produknya sudah terbukti aman karna cuma nutrisi saja bukan obat2an..(Pass labelling law and megadosage law) dan sudah diterima di 65 negara seluruh dunia..
dan ga ada passive income karna ini bukan sistim piramid..jadi ini lebih ke
usaha sendiri..depends on how many people you help to improve their health, that will tell how much
you are earning..

Bagi yang tidak berminat di MLM gak apa2..mungkin anda bisa cari solusi nutrisi aja disini..
herbalife satu2 nya perusahaan yang public listed di NYSE(NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE) 39 USD per saham nya...
dan di formulakan oleh nobel price winner di amerika..
jadi sangat bonafit lah kiranya..:)

Untuk memulainya, bisa pergi ke training2,seperti nanti tgl 20 sept ini di DBS building..
akan ada skitar 500 orang attending karna limited space..dan so far mgkin lona ada 3 lagi tiket yang tinggal..
dan bakal ada lagi training bersama yg diadakan..

jadi disclaimernya.its just a good nutrition, if we simply feed ourselves with good nutrition in a daily basis,the body will be able to fix by itself..

Lona awalnya kenal herbalife dari windri yang mengundang untuk ke shake party..basically for free sampling and body analysis dengan mesin inner body scan..jadi dalam 3 bulan pertama i was just a consumer..
ternyata dalam 2 bulan Lona sudah turun berat badannya 8kg dan skarang dah maintain on the 7th month..
dan orang tua saya juga coba sudah 3 bulan dan kolesterol dan kesehatan jantungnya jauh membaik..mama turun 15kg dalam 3 bulan stengah...
jadi itu yang memicu saya untuk mengembangkannya disini..

kalau ada yang berminat
hubungi saja Lona
thanks ya kawan2 semuanya...

my boyfriend

adam has recently consumed herbalife product
shake and protein powder
he has gained 3.5kg so far in 1 months
its amazing as its purely muscle mass and ill post his before and after picture soon!
love ya people..


arcelona's transformation

i gain better energy,solve my constipation problem,no more sleeping problem and improve my skin allergy..
thanks to Herbalife..

if you want to become herbalife coach and wellness consultant full/part time.
please call 94521765