Monday, October 20, 2008

im just back from MACAU part1

---------With my dad at Old Macau Town..having so much fun on our last day in Macau,
before flying back to Singapore----

---here we are, the generationH of herbalife..The future pres team..arent we?---we learnt so much to be great leaders, how to be the agent of change, changing people's lives....lovely..all of us are from all over asia pacific regiongs and china...

With mavis,maverick and mom..Mavis is in white and she is my amazing her..thx her for being my mentor

-day 3 of World team school in Venetian Macau..9000 people in total in the hall-unbelievable!!
here is the scenery of the city and u see the tall buildings are mostly Casinos...ckckck...

--------below is My daddy, who tirelessly shows me the support and love-----------

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